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Rains over the weekend bring relief from heat wave in some parts of the country


Light to moderate rains recorded over the weekend brought relief from the heat wave in some parts of the country. 

Over the past week, temperatures have hovered between 30 and 40 degrees Celsius in places such as Keetmanshoop, which received some light showers on Friday and Saturday. 

Figures revealed on the Namibia Meteorological Services website show that the highest rainfall of 19.2 millimetres measured today was recorded in Windhoek.

Government allocates N$2.8 million for regional memorial services


The government has allocated N$2.8 million to all 14 regions of the country towards the hosting of regional memorial services. 

Each region received N$200,000.

So far, the Oshana, Hardap, and Kunene regions have hosted their memorial services.

Oshikoto, Ohangwena, and Kavango West Regions will host theirs on Wednesday, while Omusati and Kavango East memorial services will take place on Thursday.

Some of those who want to attend the late President Hage Geingob's funeral and memorial service are appealing to the government to provide transport.

Hundreds of learners without school placement 


The Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture is facing an uphill battle for the placement of Grade 1 and Grade 8 learners.

The nbc News sat down with the Executive Director in the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, Sanet Steenkamp, for an update on the 2024 placements for Grades 1 and 8.

Otjozondjupa, |Khomas and Erongo regions are at the top of the list, grappling with placement challenges.

In the |Khomas Region, 389 Grade 1 learners and 600 Grade 8 learners are still waiting for placement.

Omaheke, ||Kharas, Hardap regions to benefit from drought relief programme


The Omaheke, ||Kharas, and Hardap regions will now benefit from the drought relief programme, effective from July 1st, 2023, to March 2024.

Currently, about 695,000 people are food insecure, and Deputy Prime Minister Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah appealed to officials to register only people who meet the criteria.

She said there are signs of people being registered when they do not qualify, a situation that might defeat the purpose.

MHETI bemoans absence of some regions from National Skills Competition 


The Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Technology, and Innovation noted with concern the absence of some regions from the National Skills Competition.

Natalia |Goagoses said this during the inspection of the participating trades in the competition.

The regions that are not represented are the Kunene, Hardap, and Kavango regions, among others.

The minister says provision needs to be made to ensure that no region is left behind in development.

She further suggested that the country's identity should be portrayed in the skills competition.

Operation Zero in Hardap Region a success


Police in the Hardap Region seized illicit drugs, weapons, cigarettes, and liquor during Operation Zero, which was conducted in the Rehoboth policing area from August 22 to August 24.

Operations conducted included eight road blocks, foot and vehicle patrols, and stop-and-searches.

Inspector Otniel ||Gowaseb, the Head of the Community Policing Unit in Hardap, says 1,188 vehicles were stopped, of which 120 were searched.

Fines related to road traffic offences worth N$50,750 were issued, and 30 people were arrested for drunken driving.

Plans for ||AU-OB Electricity Distribution Company face setbacks


Plans for establishing the ||AU-OB Electricity Distribution Company for the Hardap and ||Kharas regions have faced a setback, as the government has stated that it was not informed about or consulted on the formation of the mentioned company.

The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, in a letter to Gershon Dausab, Chairperson of the Hardap Regional Council, says his ministry had not been informed nor consulted regarding the intentions to establish the ||AU-OB Electricity Distribution Company.

South residents protest against inception of Electricity Distributor Company


The anticipated establishment of an electricity supply and distribution company for the southern regions has raised the ire of residents, who say they were not consulted.
Local authorities and regional councils in the Hardap and ||Kharas Regions are expected to own shares in the company through the transfer of their electrical network assets to the company.

Infuriated residents from Mariental and Keetmanshoop protested against not being consulted, saying they fear the development will result in higher electricity tariffs.

Salomon April calls for collaboration between all stakeholders


The Governor of Hardap Region has called for collaboration between all stakeholders to ensure socio-economic development and economic growth take place in the region.

Salomon April made the call during the fourth annual State of the Region Address.

"I acknowledge the diverse political landscape in the region; however, it should be understood that when it comes to issues of socioeconomic development and upliftment of citizens' livelihoods, we should continue to hold hands. Combine intellects and pull in the same direction for development and growth."

NamPol says shortlisting for recruitment of cadet constable officers is not final


The Namibian Police (NamPol) says the recent shortlisting for recruitment of cadet constable officers is still in the infancy stage and is not final.

The comments by the police come amid a public outcry over the shortlisting of candidates, particularly in the Hardap and ||Kharas regions.

The leadership of the two regions has called for the suspension of the process, arguing that the lists are dominated by the Aawambo tribe at the expense of the natives of the regions.