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Omusati Governor expresses concern over resettlement farms allocation


Omusati Governor Erginus Endjala has expressed concern over the low allocation of resettlement farms in his region.

In his State of the Region Address on Friday, Governor Erginus Endjala revealed that a total of 622 resettlement applications from Omusati were passed on to the Land Ministry. However, of all those, only one person received a favourable response.

This fact, he says, is a source of grey hair for him.

Governor Endjala satisfied with construction of roads in Omusati Region


The Omusati Governor, Erginus Endjala, has expressed his satisfaction with the roads constructed and upgrades made in the region.

During his State of the Region Address, Endjala expressed gratitude to the government for availing N$35 million for the upgrading of the Tsandi- Omungulugwombashe Road gravel road to bitumen standard.

Construction of the Tsandi-Omungulugwombashe tar road is to be done in two phases over a period of ten months.

The road stretches 22 kilometres from Tsandi to the Omugulugwombashe Memorial Site.

Oikokola, Amaupa Villagers demonstrate over clean drinking water


Villagers of Oikokola and Amaupa in the Omusati Region marched to the office of Governor Erginus Endjala to hand over their petition demanding clean drinking water.

In their petition, the demonstrators say that at Independence, Namibia adopted Vision 2030, promising to improve and increase safe drinking water and sanitation in both rural and urban areas.

This is still not the case at Oikokola and Amaupa villages, they argue.

Planning for the 33rd independent celebrations progressing well


Work on the Olufuko Center, where the 33rd Independence Day celebrations will take place on the 21st of March, is progressing well.

Omusati Governor Erginus Endjala is confident celebrations will boost the economy of the town and region at large.

It's a busy time for the town and region at large as Outapi town prepares to host Independence Day celebrations for the first time.

Poor rainfall in Omusati Region a concern- Endjala


Omusati Governor Erginus Endjala says the poor rainfall experienced in the region has become worrisome for both crop and livestock farmers.

The situation, he says, has resulted in many northern communal farmers losing any hope for a bumper harvest this year.

The Omusati Governor says poor rainfall has left many communal farmers in ruin, especially those in western areas of the region.

According to Endjala, the area has not received significant rain since February 1st.

MAWLR Minister Schlettwein assesses flood situation in Omusati


The Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Carl Schlettwein visited the Omusati Region to assess the flood situation in the Outapi Constituency, as a result of waters from Angola.

At the meeting with Governor Erginus Endjala and the Regional Disaster Risk Management team, Schlettwein urged people not to panic as the flood is not a disaster.

Endjala on his part warned Traditional Authority not to allocate plots to people in flood-prone areas, saying those areas are supposed to be for animal grazing.

Onesi and Tsandi residents in Omusati irked by delays in gravel road upgrade


Some frustrated residents of the Onesi and Tsandi constituencies in the Omusati Region have expressed dissatisfaction with the delay in the upgrading of Epalela-Onesi-Tsandi gravel road to bitumen standards.

The group held a demonstration and petitioned the Omusati Regional Governor, Erginus Endjala, saying road users are frustrated over the long overdue upgrading of the road.

Greed and corruption rob Namibians of opportunities and resources- Paulus Noa


The Anti-Corruption Commission's (ACC) Director General, Paulus Noa is dismayed by some Namibians who because of their greediness and corrupt ways continue to plunder the country's natural resources, while the poor continue to suffer.

Speaking at the commemoration of the International Anti-Corruption Day at Outapi, Noa says Namibia is endowed with abundant natural resources that can be used to improve lives and accelerate development.

However, because of greedy elements, many people continue to be on the receiving end.