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Commemoration highlights ongoing impact of 1904 genocide on OvaHerero


The continued effects of the 1904 Genocide, which saw the displacement of many OvaHerero people, were highlighted at the Chief Hosea Kutako and Otjiserandu Tjongeama commemorations with descendants from Botswana, Canada, and the US.

Speaking at the commemoration at Okahandja, Professor Mutjindje Katjiua, who leads a faction of the OvaHerero Traditional Authority, stressed the importance of being inclusive of the descendants of those who were exiled.

The government of Botswana sponsored the travel costs of a contingent of OveHerero people who reside in that country.

Late Chief Riruako remembered as a bridge builder


Ovaherero and Ovambenderu communities gathered at Okahitua Village over the weekend to remember the legacy of the late Ombara Otjitambi, Kuaima Riruako.

One of the most significant legacies of Chief Riruako is his decisive leadership on the issue of genocide reparations, among others.

The late Chief Kuaima Riruako died on June 2, 2014, after leading the ovaHerero communities for more than 30 years, succeeding the late Clemence Kapuuo.

Swakopmund Museum exhibits 1904 - 1908 Genocide


For the first time in 125 years, the Swakopmund Museum is displaying an exhibition on the 1904-08 Herero and Nama Genocide.

Previously, the museum only showcased the colonial background of German successes in the country, with no mention of the black communities living in Swakopmund.

The Swakopmund Museum is a privately run,non-profit organisation. 

According to the curator, it does not have enough funds or manpower to design and research an exhibition like the one depicting the Herero Nama Genocide. 

Swakopmund Genocide Museum Director mobilizes volunteers to restore unmarked graves


The Director of the Swakopmund Genocide Museum mobilised residents and visitors from all over the world to volunteer in a campaign to restore unmarked graves of the genocide victims.

Laidlaw Peringanda says thousands of Ovaherero, Nama, and San people were killed by German soldiers, while others perished in concentration camps between 1904 and 1908 at Swakopmund.

Peringanda's great-grandmother was a survivor of the genocide, and he recalls the horrific stories she narrated to the family.

Late Dr. Hage Geingob remembered as decisive leader


Some who honour the late Dr. Hage Geingob have described the fallen statesmen as a leader who was decisive and would quickly reprimand those who stepped out of line.

Dr. Geingob, on various occasions, publicly showed disdain for corruption, and as chair of the decision-making Cabinet, he held no punches back.

His 2004 doctoral thesis is titled "Promoting Democracy and Good Governance," which reflected the strong values that he stood for when he assumed the highest office in 2015.

Chief Samuel Maharero commemorated


The Red Flag has commemorated 100 years since the reburial of the remains of Chief Samuel Maharero, who died in Botswana in 1923.

The commemoration was held at Okahandja under the theme, ''Celebrate the past, embrace the present, and leverage the foundation for the future generation".

Hundreds of descendants of the OvaHerero flocked to Okahandja in remembrance of the reburial of Chief Samuel Maharero's remains.

Maharero is remembered for succeeding in leading thousands of his people to the British Bechuanaland Protectorate, today known as Botswana.

UN Special Rapporteurs issue report on genocide


Special Rapporteurs from the United Nations (UN) have confirmed that the participation rights of the Ovaherero and Nama people have been violated by the German and Namibian governments in terms of international law. The rapporteurs also urge the German government to grant reparations.

The Nama Traditional Leaders Association (NTLA) and the Ovaherero Traditional Authority (OTA), through their legal representation, had earlier reached out to the international community, questioning the lawfulness of the two governments.

Nama and Ovaherero gather to commemorate 1904-1908 genocide victims


Descendants of the Nama and Ovaherero gathered at Lüderitz in the ||Kharas Region to commemorate 118 years since tens of thousands of their ancestors were killed by the Germans.

The three-day Genocide Remembrance, which started on Friday, was attended by the Ovaherero Traditional Authority and the Nama Traditional Leaders Association.

The Herero and Nama genocide was the massacre of more than 60,000 people on April 22, 1905, by German military forces ordered by General Lothar von Trotha.

1904-1908 genocide victims tombstone unveiled


Descendants of victims of the 1904-1908 genocide unveiled a tombstone at Shark Island in remembrance of the tens of thousands of Nama and Herero-speaking Namibians killed by the then-German colonial settlers.

Hundreds of descendants of the Nama and Ovaherero people paid homage to the men and women who died at one of the most notorious concentration camps of the 20th century.

Prisoners at Shark Island were subjected to forced labor, including constructing the railway line between Lüderitz and Keetmanshoop under extreme conditions.