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Katima Mulilo residents warned against illegal activities


Residents in Katima Mulilo have been warned against illegal sewer and water connections, as well as unapproved building construction.

Katima Mulilo Town Council Mayor John Ntemwa issued the warning after a pipe was damaged during the construction of an unapproved building at a plot in Greenwell Matongo suburb. The incident left the entire town without running water for several hours.

Muyako residents saddened by delay in development


Muyako residents in the Katima Mulilo Rural Constituency are saddened by the delay in the construction of the Bukalo-Muyako-Ibbu and Ngoma roads.

The residents say development promises made to them were never honoured.

The community members raised their concerns during a meeting on Thursday.

They reiterated that the constituency is the second most populated after Katima Mulilo Urban, but the least developed compared to other constituencies in the region.

Graduates urged to embrace continuous development


Academic graduations are not an end in themselves, hence the need to continue with self-development to keep up with the demands of the job market.

This message was given to 360 students who graduated from the University of Namibia's (UNAM) Katima Mulilo campus on Thursday.

This year, the university invited the Chief Executive Officer of MEATCO, Mwilima Mushokobanji, as the motivational speaker.

Mafuta residents in Katima Mulilo affected by low water pressure


Some residents of Mafuta compound, east of Choto, in Katima Mulilo Rural have been affected by low water pressure.

However, NamWater officials and technicians are addressing the matter.
Water to the Mafuta compound is supplied via a NamWater reservoir, but according to residents, consistent low water pressure is a major headache. 

Richards Kangumu, a member of the Village Development Committee in the area, said the matter had been worsened by an increase in population in the area.

Deactivated SIM card holders demand answers from MTC in Katima Mulilo


SIM card holders whose numbers have been deactivated after registration are seeking answers from MTC in Katima Mulilo.

They claim that their numbers were registered, only to find that their cards seem to have been blocked.

A long queue of both senior citizens and young people was observed in the morning, with many frustrated about their SIM cards not working. 

The majority stated that they had registered with MTC agents who visited their villages last year and did not understand the current disconnection.

Government avails N$8 million to revive Kalimbeza National Rice Project


The government has allocated N$8 million to revive the Kalimbeza National Rice Project and has also approved that a sugar plantation be established on part of Kalimbeza, as well as a sugar processing plant in Katima Mulilo.

President Nangolo Mbumba revealed this during his address at the national independence celebration at Katima Mulilo.

The two projects to be rolled out soon are among the few projects earmarked to bring much-needed development and jobs to the Zambezi Region.

Erongo Governor's VIP ticket withholding sparks controversy amid community concerns


Omaruru, Henties Bay, and Arandis councillors did not attend the Independence Day celebrations at Katima Mulilo in their official capacities after the Erongo Governor withheld their VIP tickets.

Erongo Governor Neville Andre says the councillors must first address community issues in their towns before attending celebrations.

The Independence Day organising committee gave 50 VIP tickets for each region to send their public office bearers to the national celebrations.

However, the Erongo Governor has excluded leaders from Omaruru, Henties Bay, and Arandis.

Annual public entity communication and public relations conference starts


The Minister of Information and Communication Technology (MICT), Emma Theofelus, officially opened the annual public entity communication and public relations conference at Katima Mulilo, which is being attended by all communications practitioners under the theme "Bridging the Gap through Communications.".

The platform offers attendees knowledge and skills that could better their organisations, encourage participation, and put to work lessons learned.

Liberation Struggle veteran welcomes Independence celebrations at Katima Mulilo



A veteran of the Liberation Struggle, Ellen Musialela, has welcomed the government’s decision to host Namibia’s 34th Independence celebrations at Katima Mulilo, Zambezi Region. 

The region, at the time known as the Caprivi Strip, was an important gateway to freedom, with many freedom fighters and refugees crossing into neighbouring Zambia through the area. 

While the Caprivi Strip was initially isolated, by the 1970s, more and more Namibians were crossing into exile through Caprivi. 

Katima Mulilo resident Calvin Sinyepe killed by unknown assailants


A resident of Greenwell Matongo Location at Katima Mulilo Calvin Sinyepe was shot and killed on Friday by unknown assailants near his house.

The 42-year-old Sinyepe was returning home when he was shot and killed in cold blood.

Sinyepe was an employee of the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture in the Zambezi Region.

It is suspected that Sinyepe became a victim of the assailants who were busy executing a house-breaking in the same street where he lived.