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NTLA calls for inclusion on Nama & Ovaherero genocide reparations negotiations


The Nama Traditional Leaders Association (NTLA) has reiterated calls for its inclusion in the Nama and Ovaherero Genocide Reparations talks between the governments of Namibia and Germany.

Its chairperson, Johannes Isaack, repeated this demand at the annual Genocide Memorial Day at Luderitz over the weekend. 

The annual genocide commemoration themed 'Let the Blood of Our Ancestors Fuel Our Resolve for Restorative Justice' commenced with a genocide memorial walk. 

Restrictions of hunting trophies could harm Namibia's conservation efforts


The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism says Germany's decision to restrict or ban the import of hunting trophies could harm Namibia's conservation efforts. 

Hunters from Germany and elsewhere flock to Namibia during hunting season to do trophy hunting, spending top dollar in search of a prized trophy. 

Once the animals are hunted, the taxidermists get involved to prepare the trophy before it is exported to the hunter. 

President Mbumba to provide genocide negotiation update in separate forum


President Nangolo Mbumba has assured the members of Parliament of an update on the genocide negotiations on a separate platform.

This follows questions by the leader of PDM, McHenry Venaani, on the progress of the discussions.

In 2021, Germany admitted the atrocities it committed during 1904–1908 against the Nama and Herero communities after a stretch of negotiations between the governments.

Former Swapo Chief Representative to Germany Obed Emvula conferred official funeral


Former Swapo Party Chief Representative to Germany, Obed Emvula, has been conferred an official funeral.

Emvula died on January 1.

The late Emvula's community's memorial service will be held tomorrow at Okando at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, while the official memorial is slated for the 13th, still at Okando, starting at 8:00 o'clock in the morning.

The official funeral will be held on the 14th, at half past seven in the morning.

Emvula, among others, served Swapo in various capacities in countries including the US, Zambia, and Algeria.

Germany supports TVET in Namibia


Germany has pledged its continued support for technical and vocational education and training in Namibia.

It's for this reason that the Charge d'Affaires at the German Embassy says Germany is in the final stages of launching a project to support the TVET sector with a budget of N$260 million.

Dr. Andreas Götze said this at the Namibia Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Conference in Windhoek.

Swakopmund Municipality, German City of Giessen enter cooperation agreement


The Swakopmund Municipality and the City of Giessen in Germany have partnered with the aim to share knowledge and promote intercultural and multicultural relations between the two local authorities.
A few years ago, the Municipality of Swakopmund received a cooperation invitation from German City, Giessen.

The local council saw it as an excellent opportunity to exchange, share information and experience in a number of areas. 

Finland welcomes Namibia's agreement with EU


Finland has welcomed Namibia's agreement with the European Union to develop sustainable raw materials and renewable hydrogen.

The Nordic country is the latest EU member state to express cooperation in the new industry.

Namibia has been the subject of heightened interest from developed countries such as Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and others since the government announced plans to position the country as a global leader in the supply of clean energy.

Sister parties call for strengthening the bond of friendship among former liberation movements


Sister parties mainly from the SADC region called for the strengthening of the bond of friendship and cooperation among former liberation movements as they continue to serve the people.

The Communist Party wants the congress to be dedicated to the late Former Cuban Commander in Chief, Commandant Fidel Castro Ruz gave his immense contribution to Namibia and liberalisation of Southern African nations.

NUDO Leader Utjiua Muinjangue accuses Germany of discrimination 


The leader of NUDO accused Germany of discrimination after that country refused to renegotiate its offer of €1 billion for the 1904–08 Nama/OvaHerero genocide.

Utjiua Muinjangue says Germany has created a precedent by agreeing to demands for renegotiating compensation for crimes against humanity and therefore should do so with Namibia as well.

Muinjangue cited as an example an order by Konrad Adenauer, a former German chancellor, to re-negotiate settlements with Jewish groups as a stipend for atrocities committed during the Holocaust.

Namibian government has not signed an agreement with the German government


Vice President Nangolo Mbumba says the government has not signed any agreement with the German government regarding the 1904–1908 Genocide negotiations.

He said this at the Chief's Forum Meeting attended by traditional authorities from communities affected by the 1904–1908 Genocide in Windhoek today.

He explained that the government will not sign any agreement with Germany regarding the matter without the endorsement of the affected communities.