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Namibian government allocates N$110 million for 30 network tower installations


The Namibian government has allocated N$110 million over three years for the installation of 30 network towers.

This is intended to address the digital disparity and improve nationwide access to information. 

This commitment was conveyed by the Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Emma Theofelus. 

Additionally, the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) organised an information exhibition as a demonstration of support for the Minister.

Namibia, Botswana sign MoU


The Communications Regulatory Authorities of Namibia (CRAN) and that of Botswana signed a memorandum of understanding at Swakopmund on Thursday.

The MoU will allow the countries' authorities to collaborate on matters related to cybersecurity, data protection, and roaming data, among others.

The ministers of information of the two sister countries started working on this collaboration about three months ago when ICT Minister Dr. Peya Mushelenga visited Botswana.

CRAN commends nbc and Multichoice Namibia on Mukorob Film Project


The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) has congratulated the nbc and MultiChoice Namibia for successfully producing and launching thirteen locally produced films.

The two broadcasters recently launched the Mukorob Film Project.

The regulatory body said the nbc and Multichoice Namibia completed the project in compliance with the local content quota obligations imposed by CRAN.

CRAN further said the collaborative initiative supports the Namibian film industry and offers global exposure to domestically crafted feature films.

CRAN preparing to issue 5G spectrum in March 2023


The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia's (CRAN)Chief Executive Officer, Emilia Nghikembua said the regulator is preparing to issue spectrum for 5G in March 2023 along with a consumer awareness campaign to address myths, misconceptions and misinformation around 5G.

In a media statement, Nghikembua indicated that the regulator will do more work around the promotion of technological innovation, improved quality of service and customer experience. 

Namibia experiences .na domain interruptions


Today, Namibia experienced interruptions to the .na domain for both private and public networks. 

The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) in a media statement said it is aware that Namibia has been under constant attack from hackers worldwide, but this glitch is not one of them.

Dr Audrin Mathe, the ministry's Executive Director, stated that all routine upgrades on the Domain Name System server for the .na domain had been completed by lunchtime today.