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Police officers warned against insubordination 


The Police Inspector General, Joseph Shikongo, has ordered officers in the Ohangwena Region to pull up their socks to deliver effective service to the public.

Lieutenant General Shikongo called a parade at Oshikango before they embarked on patrol along the Namibia-Angola border to sensitise the community on contraband and crime prevention along the border line. 

The Lieutenant General wants police officers to be committed and dedicated and stop laziness.

Police urged to prepare for upcoming elections


The Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, Albert Kawana, has advised the police to get ready for the upcoming elections.

Dr. Kawana was speaking at the Police Force Senior Command Conference at Ongwediva. 

The five-day conference is being attended by commissioners and their deputies from all the regions and other stakeholders. 

In his address, Dr. Kawana urged the participants to, in their discussions, deliberate on mechanisms to manage elections and gatherings such as rallies. 

Inspector Shikongo issues strong warning against indiscipline officers


Police Inspector General Joseph Shikongo will not tolerate police officers selling contraband or those involved in criminal activities.

Lieutenant General Shikongo sounded the warning while addressing officers at the Oshikango police station in the Ohangwena Region.

He was disturbed to hear that two members of the police were arrested for allegedly stealing fuel at Oshikango.

Nampol Chief calls for enhanced community policing


Nampol Inspector General Joseph Shikongo has emphasised the need for building trust and cooperation between the police and the public.
Lieutenant General Shikongo says law enforcement and crime prevention require community and solution-oriented policing.

Speaking at a police community engagement in Swakopmund, General Shikongo said community policing is meant to create an environment where police and the community can work together to identify and solve problems. 

Police IG disappointed by poor performance in Kavango East


Inspector General of the Police, Joseph Shikongo, has expressed disappointment with the performance of law enforcement officers in the Kavango East Region. 

Following a visit to the region, Shikongo addressed the underperformance and outlined improvement plans.

Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo says, that despite Kavango East being the second-largest region, there is enough manpower for effective policing. 

He pointed out police visibility as a key to combating crime.

NamPol Lt. Gen. on familiarisation visit Kunene Region 


The Inspector General of the Police is in the Kunene Region to engage the communities and assess their needs. 

While there, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo will share with the communities the role of law enforcement agencies in society.

The communities informed Shikongo about the need for police stations in various areas while also expressing their concern about an increase in alcohol and drug abuse, stock theft, and gender-based violence.

Shikongo noted that the community must collaborate with the police to mitigate crimes in the region.

Plans to reform recruitment process within the Police well on track


Police Inspector General Joseph Shikongo says plans to revolutionise the recruitment process within the police force, aiming to foster greater diversity and inclusivity that mirror the nation's demographic landscape, are well on track.

Lieutenant General Shikongo emphasised the importance of reshaping the composition of the police force to represent the diversity of Namibia's population. 

Transnational organised crime remains major threat to peace - Lt.Gen Shikongo


The Inspector General of the Namibian Police, Joseph Shikongo, has confirmed that transnational organised crime constitutes a major threat to peace, stability, governance, and development in southern Africa.
Lieutenant General Shikongo highlighted crimes such as drug and human trafficking, vehicle hijacking, wildlife crimes, illegal firearms trade, money laundering, and cybercrime, among others.

Police Inspector General urges cadet constables to embrace professionalism


Police Inspector General Joseph Shikongo has urged 818 cadet constables who are undergoing training at the Ruben Danger Ashipala Training Centre to be professional when they are deployed to various stations.

The cadets will graduate on May 3rd.

Emphasising the values of professionalism and selflessness, Lieutenant General Shikongo called upon the cadets to serve all Namibians and foreigners impartially, transcending ethnic and political boundaries.

Rising number of GBV cases a thorn in the flesh - Shikongo


4815 cases of gender-based violence have been registered with the police between April 2023 and January 2024.

The statistics were released by the Chief of Police, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, who said that the figures paint a grim picture and that that requires an urgent change of attitude in society.

Inspector General Joseph Shikongo further revealed that GBV cases have become the order of the day, particularly in some regions.