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MURD Minister inaugurates settlement office at Uis


The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, says the newly inaugurated Uis Settlement Office is a clear testament to bringing services close to the people.

The office was constructed at a cost of N$11 million.

Uutoni applauded the Erongo Regional Council for expressing sound leadership, management, and dedication to duty that has yielded tangible results, such as the Uis settlement office.

He further says that the regional councils are responding to the developmental needs of the people to steer a change in the service delivery cycle.

National Council approves MURD's budget


The National Council has approved a budget of over N$2 billion for the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development.

Some MPs, however, urged the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, in collaboration with the Public Service Commission and the Secretary of the Cabinet, to promptly explore the activation of the Directorate of Integration Development within regional councils.

89 houses handed over to new owners at Swakopmund


To address the housing backlog, the government has handed over 4000 housing units since the inception of the Mass Housing Development Programme in 2014, up to July 2023.

The MHDP commenced with projects at 21 sites around the country.

Today, in addition to that number, an additional 89 recently completed houses were officiated by President Hage Geingob at Swakopmund.

Positive circumstances necessary for effective local trade engagement


The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, says the growth of local businesses and their ability to effectively participate in trade at local, continental, and international levels depend on a favourable environment established by governments to foster business development.

Uutoni said this during the commemoration of Africa Day of Decentralisation, Local Governance, and Local Development held in Okahao, located in the Omusati Region.

MURD hands over 33 houses


The government continues to support initiatives to deliver housing to low-income earners.

The Ministry of Urban and Rural Development handed over 33 houses to the Shack Dwellers Federation in Windhoek's Okahandja Park.

Of the 33 houses, 22 were funded by the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, while Standard Bank funded 11.

Deputy Minister Natalia |Goagoses emphasised the need to address poverty and inequality and bring about social harmony and economic advancement.

John Mutorwa stresses on availability of Public policy documents


The Minister of Works and Transport, John Mutorwa, says public policy documents are not confidential and should be made available to the public.

Mutorwa was speaking at Nkurenkuru when he handed over the ministry's maintenance functions to the Kavango West Regional Council.

Mutorwa stressed that public policy documents should be shared with the people so that everyone understands the functions of the council.

MURD holds fourth decentralization consultative forum


The Ministry of Urban and Rural Development held its fourth decentralization consultative forum with key stakeholders in the capital.

Minister, Erastus Uutoni, reminded the stakeholders that bringing services closer to the grassroots level remains one of the government's top priorities.

The forum will discuss best practices, and progress made over the years and will collectively devise strategies on how to overcome existing stumbling blocks.

Pilot Namibian Housing Information System launched 


The Namibia Statistics Agency and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development have launched the pilot Namibian Housing Information System.

The aim of the system is to make housing and land data readily available in the country.

The housing statistics in Namibia are now available immediately by just clicking a button, following the launch of the Housing Information System.

The centralised system will have all housing information in the country as provided by, among others, regional councils and local authorities to guide policymakers.