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Zambezi Traditional Authorities pay homage late President Geingob


Traditional Authorities in the Zambezi Region have paid homage to the late President Hage Geingob, describing him as having lived a life worth emulating by current and future generations.

The Masubia, Mayeyi, Mafwe, and Mashi Traditional Authorities say the memories of Dr. Geingob as a freedom fighter and persevering statesman are legacies that need to be honored.

GBV victims report cases to traditional authorities instead of the police for compensation


Some victims of gender-based violence (GBV) have resorted to reporting cases to the traditional authorities instead of the police in order to get compensation.

This came to light during a meeting between the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication, and Social Welfare and the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Gender Equality, Social Development, and Family Affairs at Otjiwarongo.

Otjiwarongo has recorded 29 cases of rape and 98 domestic violence cases since last year.

Nine traditional authorities apply for recognition


Nine new traditional authorities have applied for government recognition.

This is contained in the report of the Council of Traditional Leaders handed to President Hage Geingob by the Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, at State House.

The applications were discussed during the 23rd annual meeting of the Council of Traditional Leaders, held last year.

The report states that the Council of Traditional Leaders conducted a thorough review of the applications before presenting them to the government for consideration.

Okorukambe Councillor calls for improvement of traditional authorities' monthly allowances


Okorukambe Constituency Councillor Rocco Nguvauva has called for the improvement of the monthly allowances of traditional authorities for them to function optimally.

The Okorukambe Councillors want most of the administrative matters to be carried out by their traditional authorities themselves rather than relying on the government.

Speaking in the National Council before the recess, Nguvauva argues that community leaders are playing an important role in assisting the government in a number of areas.

Traditional authorities are key in supporting government programmes- PM


Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila says traditional authorities are key in instilling cultural values, traditions, and norms as well as supporting government programmes aimed at ensuring that people are living in unity, peace, and harmony.

Kuugongelwa Amadhila made these remarks when she paid a courtesy call to Ongandjera, Uukwaludhi, and Ombalantu traditional authorities.

She says traditional authorities play an important role in communities and, being custodians of cultures, they help the government to maintain law and order in the communities.