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Ministry of Justice doubles income threshold for legal aid qualification


The Ministry of Justice has raised the income threshold for qualifying for legal aid from N$3,500 to N$7,000 per month.

This is according to the ministry's spokesperson, Edmund Khoaseb, who said the amendment follows amendments to the Legal Aid Regulations under the Legal Aid Act 1990. The changes are aimed at enhancing access to justice for indigent litigants.

Cabinet directs amendments to Electoral Act Section 74(4) preparation


The Cabinet has directed the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, to prepare and propose amendments to Section 74(4) of the Electoral Act.

This is in view of the review of Article 45 of the Constitution and Section 77(4) of the Electoral Act of 2014, which deals with members of the public who wish to participate in elections to the effect that such persons are deemed to have resigned upon being elected to the National Assembly or National Council and not before or upon being nominated.

Plans to upgrade Otavi Magistrate's Court underway


Plans to improve the Otavi Magistrate's Court are on the recommendation cards following a visit by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Capital Projects and Legal Affairs, which found the building not conducive to court sessions.

This was confirmed by committee chairperson Tjekero Tweya during a courtesy call to the Otjozondjupa Governors Office, represented by Regional Council Chairperson Marlene Mbakera.

Namibia to make oral statement on Israel at ICJ


Namibia will make an oral statement before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel's war on Gaza at the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands, next Friday, February 23rd.

The submission will address the legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.

Cabinet has designated the Ministry of Justice to deliver Namibia's statement during the proceedings.

Yvonne Dausab clarifies role of Justice Ministry


In a recent session of the National Assembly, the Minister of Justice, Yvonne Dausab, took the floor to clarify the role of the Ministry of Justice and address concerns raised by PDM MP Hidipo Hamata.

The Minister emphasised that the Ministry of Justice does not have authority over prosecutorial decisions, as this falls under the purview of the Prosecutor General, an independent constitutional office. Yvonne Dausab explained that the Ministry of Justice's responsibility is purely administrative, including budgeting and providing support to the Prosecutor General's office. 

N$90 million unclaimed in guardian funds


There is N$93 million of unclaimed funds in the Guardian's Fund, which is supervised by the Master of the High Court. The Executive Director of the Ministry of Justice, Gladice Pickering, described the amount as shocking.

The total value of the account stands at N$2.3 billion. There is a law that requires the Ministry of Justice to publish a list of beneficiaries whose monies remain unclaimed from the Guardian's Fund.

Justice Ministry launches Customer Service Charter


In an effort to elevate the quality of public services and bring justice closer to the people, the Ministry of Justice unveiled a visionary set of Customer Service Charters.

This initiative aims to revolutionise the interaction between the ministry and the public.

The charters are structured around a series of pillars, each embodying a fundamental aspect of the Ministry's dedication to excellence.

Justice Ministry clarifies Eva Nangolo's employment status


The Ministry of Justice has stated that social media posts and video clips claiming that embattled lawyer Eva Nangolo has been dismissed from her post are inaccurate.

Nangolo's legal aid certificate was revoked by Justice Minister Yvonne Dausab after she made tribal slurs about Damara-speaking Namibians on her Twitter page a week ago, which received widespread condemnation.

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Justice spokesperson, Simon Idipo, only Nangolo's certificate to practice in court has been withdrawn pending investigations into her conduct.

It is high time the office is delinked from the Ministry of Justice- Dyakugha


The Ombudsman, Basilius Dyakugha, says it is high time the office is delinked from the Ministry of Justice if the institution is to function properly.

A speedy adoption of the proposed new Ombudsman Bill, Dyakugha says, will strengthen the mandate and powers of the Ombudsman and give expression to its independence as guaranteed by the Constitution.

For the past 31 years, the office of the Ombudsman has been regarded as a mere directorate, with its budget, procurements, and any other operations controlled by the Ministry of Justice.