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#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | Rosh Pinah residents urged to register


Swapo Party Politburo member Verna Sinimbo has urged eligible voters to register for the upcoming national and presidential elections. 

She made the call while addressing Swapo party members at Rosh Pinah in the ||Kharas Region. 

Sinimbo stressed the need for the party's supporters to unite in support of the party's presidential candidate, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, and the party's noble objectives. 

She described Nandi-Ndaitwah as a knowledgeable, tested, and trusted cadre of the party. 

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | ECN official happy with GRV process in Kunene Region


General registration of voters (GRV) has started smoothly in the Kunene Region, with no technical problems experienced unlike in other constituencies.

Since June 3, more than 5000 eligible voters have registered to participate in the upcoming presidential and national assembly elections in November.

Mike Nganjone, the regional electoral officer in the Kunene Region, stated that everything has been going well since the beginning of the voter registration in his region, and no major challenges have been encountered.

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | Smooth GRV process at Berseba, Soutput


Despite the low turnout of eligible voters to register for the November general elections, the process is steady at the Berseba and Soutput semi-fixed registration points in Berseba Constituency.

Team leaders Gilbert Frederick and Morris Coleman revealed this in an interview with the nbc News team.

Berseba registration point team leader Gilbert Frederick says 100 eligible voters have registered since the general registration of voters (GRV) started on Monday. 

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | GRV moves at slow pace in Kavango East & West regions


Election registration is moving at a slow but progressive pace at registration points inland in the Kavango East and West regions. 

The nbc News team visited some registration points in both the Kavango East and West regions on the first day of registration on Monday.

Both challenges and positive experiences were reported.

These range from poor attendance by the people to the slow registration process. 

However, the nbc News team learned that people in the village and remote areas are responding positively to the registration.

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | Omaheke registration teams satisfied with the process


The Regional Electoral Officer in Omaheke, Josef Amwaandi, is pleased with the ongoing general voter registration in the region, despite some challenges from the systems on which the IT department is working. 

Amwaandi pointed out that work started off well in the region, minus a few hiccups encountered in the system, particularly by teams working in remote areas.

Amwaandi added that so far, the region has recorded more than 2,000 eligible voters. 

#NAMIBIAVOTES2021 | Equipment challenges hamper GRV process in Omusati


Three thousand and twenty-one people registered in the general registration of voters in the Omusati Region on Monday.

However, the problem of cameras not capturing some people, especially the elderly, remains a challenge at some registration points, but technicians are trying their best to rectify the matter. 

The ECN Regional Electoral Officer in Omusati, Elizabeth Shiningayamwe, says the registration started well in Omusati, and all 56 points opened exactly at 8:00 as anticipated.

NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | Registration and voting vital to influence country's future


Citizens, including government officials, are focused on the voter registration process to exercise their democratic right to vote. 

The National Assembly Speaker, Prof. Peter Katjavivi, highlighted the importance of participating in elections in moulding the nation's democracy as he registered at the Olympia MTC centre.

Voter registration plays a critical role in democracy, enabling eligible citizens to exercise their voting rights, influence their nation's future, and foster civic engagement and empowerment, extending beyond mere participation in elections. 

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | IPC president urges youth to register in GRV


The Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) leader, Dr. Panduleni Iitula, has urged young people to register during the June 3 to August 1 general registration of voters (GRV) to participate in the upcoming general elections in November 2024.

Dr. Itula said that if they do not register to vote, they will betray themselves and not make a change in their lives.

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | Future of Namibians in their hands - Sampofu


Zambezi Governor Alufea Sampofu was among the first people to register at the Katima Mulilo UNAM campus.

Voter registration started on time without reported challenges at various registration centres in the Zambezi Region.

Alufea Sampofu said that by registering as voters, residents will have a say in who their leaders will be for the next five years.

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | Oukwanyama leader calls on eligable voters to register


The leader of the Oukwanyama Traditional Authority, Martha Ya Nelumbu, is urging eligible voters to participate in the ongoing registration process for new voters' cards. 

Ohamba Ya Nelumbu says those in her area of jurisdiction and beyond should note that it's imperative to participate in the country's electoral processes. 

The 94-year-old matriarch was among the elders who woke up early, bracing the cold breeze to make sure they got new voter cards.