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The floodwater at Onhaminda village in the Oshikango Constituency has dried up, and those who had been relocated to the higher ground have started moving back to their homesteads.

For the past two months, these residents have been fighting an uphill battle due to flood waters.

Their homes were submerged, as they had built them in the streams.

Despite flood waters having dried up, it is still worrisome for Albertina Moses, one of the residents at Onhaminda village, as her family and others have lost most of their belongings.

"We have returned from the relocation sites and are finally back at our dwellings, but we need assistance. We need the government to assist us, as most of our items were damaged and some were stolen."

Moses says she is unemployed and will find it hard to rebuild her life without assistance.

She added that they had cultivated their mahangu fields before the floods, but there is now nothing to show as the crops have wilted due to a lot of water.

"We won't get any yields from our mahangu fields at this point; it's too late to restart the process, and the absence of rainfall is making it worse. We need food aid, blankets, and other forms of assistance as a matter of urgency."

The Ohangwena regional governor, Walde Ndevashiya, also visited various homesteads to assess their needs.

"We still have a program of making sure that these are our community members that were displaced by the floods and had their mahangu fields submerged. We still have a program of giving them food parcels. Our colleagues and staff members running the storage facilities still have food, and we are following these people to their homesteads. This will go on for quite a bit of time until these people have found their feet. Because it's quite a challenge and there is nothing here. These people will need further assistance. There is virtually nothing here, and these people will need further assistance until the next rainy season."

The affected residents say that relocating to higher ground remains a challenge as communal land is scarce and existing areas are hundreds of kilometers away from urban centers.



Ndapanda Shuuya