

Founding President Sam Nujoma has hailed President Hage Geingob's leadership in prioritising the implementation of targeted policy programmes to enhance service delivery.

These efforts, Nujoma says, contribute to economic recovery and engender inclusive growth through the Harambee Prosperity Plan.

It is with this message that the Founding President wished Dr. Geingob well on his 82nd birthday, describing it as a momentous milestone.

Nujoma says that while staying true to the mandate of prosperity, his founding Prime Minister strengthened the country's effective governance architecture to better respond to the new socio-economic challenges.

These are influenced by the global economic downturn, Nujoma acknowledged, compounded by a period of devastating drought and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The founding President is further pleased with Dr. Geingob's understanding that the goal of a prosperous Namibia cannot be achieved without deepening regional integration and pan-African solidarity.

Nujoma says this is through the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area, which encourages intra-Africa trade in line with Agenda 2063.

Meanwhile, former President Hifikepunye Pohamba also joined in the birthday tributes to Geingob.
In a letter, Pohamba and former First Lady Penehupifo said they are inspired by Geingob's continuous passion for life and compassion for the Namibian people.

As Geingob comfortably sails into the 80s, the Pohamba family wished him renewed health and strength to continue leading Namibians to prosperity.

Photo Credits
Monica Geingos, The First Lady of Namibia


Blanche Goreses