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The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security started with its outreach programme for the distribution of national documents in the Kavango East Region.

The programme aims to issue a national document to people in outlying areas who face challenges travelling to Rundu for services. 

The first outreach programme for 2024 started on February 19th and ended on March 4th.

According to Gerald Hamutenya, Control Officer of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration Safety, and Security in the Kavango East Region, there has been a tremendous improvement in terms of access to national documentation in the Kavango East Region following the outreach.

At least 699 birth certificates and 473 identity documents were captured. 

Gerald says the people who were assisted were not the only ones who needed national documents, as others were turned away for not meeting some of the requirements. 

He says announcements of the dates and requirements for registration were done in advance. 

Hamutenya calls on the people in need of such services to take the outreach programme seriously. 

Despite the efforts of the Ministry to bring services closer to the people, some of its clients were not happy with the procedure. 

Speaking on behalf of the unhappy community, Rosalia Hawombo says few people were assisted, and the majority were returned due to simple omissions.

Hawombo requests that the Ministry consider the adult citizens first during the outreach.

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Elizabeth Mwengo