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Protesters marched to Agostinho Neto Square on Saturday to demand justice for the killing of five men who died at the hands of police officers in Okahandja in April last year.

The protest was spearheaded by activist and Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) member Michael Amushelelo.

The plan for this march was to bring across a message of grief and unhappiness.

Gathered were the youth, family, and friends of Erikki 'Akawa' Martin, Abed Andreas, Marius Ipinge, Malaika Kotokeni, and Flavianus Endjala.

The alleged robbers, the police say, had combined 24 criminal cases, ranging from attempted murder to armed robbery and robbery with aggravated circumstances.

The five died after they suffered multiple gunshot wounds, reportedly during a fire exchange with the police.

And today, voices that have been constant on social media platforms are on the streets, calling for justice and demanding the immediate arrest and prosecution of the police officers implicated in the killings.

The protestors made their way through Independence Avenue, but their stop at the Windhoek Police Station was short.

There, group leader Michael Amushelelo threatened a daily protest in front of the station, saying such protests would take place between eight o'clock and five every day until the police officers involved were arrested.

Amushelelo has, over the past few weeks, made serious allegations against the police and the Windhoek City Police.

The vehicle in which the five men were gunned down was allegedly booked by a senior officer at the Windhoek City Police. 

He further accuses the police of covering up the killing of the five men.

The activist lamented that killings of civilians by the police are a matter of grave concern.

It was against the warning of Amushelelo that protestors decided to march forward to the police headquarters; they were only allowed to stage a protest at Augustinho Neto Square.

Here, some broke down in tears in memory of the five men who died at the hands of the police.

The police chief, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, has denied all allegations of foul play regarding the killing and has said that investigations into the matter are ongoing, with the docket to be sent to the Prosecutor General for her decision.

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Emil Xamro Seibeb