Minister of Sport, Youth, and National Services, Agnes Tjongarero, says she is investigating reported financial mismanagement within the ministry.

Tjongarero was responding to a question by Landless People's Movement's (LPM) Utaara Mootu regarding the Executive Director's employment status without a contract.

Tjongarero said the results of the investigation will be made known once the established committee concludes its work.

She stated that consultations between her ministry and the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises are still ongoing.

"The board of a council has been seized with this matter for the contract of the director.  For a while now, the same form, part and parcel of the investigations of the independent committee and its report, has made recommendations with regard to the status of the director's contract of employment, in line with the provisions of the Public Enterprises Governance Act 2019, Act Number One of 2019, and the National Youth Council Act 2009."

Tjongarero stated that should it be determined that no formal contracts exist, the ministry is prepared to take immediate corrective action.

The LPM Youth Command Element has applied for regional affiliation since  last year, yet only three regions have obtained their status. 

But Tjongarero told the house that the delay in processing affiliation applications, including those from the LPM youth command, is not any deliberate attempt to undermine youth organisations.

She said this solely stems from timing issues and logistical constraints. 

"Many applications were received after the RAC meeting had already taken place, leaving them pending until the next session. The scheduling of REC meetings is closely tied to the disbursement of funds from the council's headquarters to regional youth forums.For the current financial year, these disbursements are expected by the end of May or early June. Now we are in June, and Webrec meetings are scheduled thereafter to address pent in applications specifically regarding the LPM application."

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RacioMedia Namibia


Joleni Shihapela