First Lady Sustjie Mbumba has lamented that murders in Namibia have become somewhat fashionable and fun.

The First Lady was speaking at the Omkhai Namibia Trust, where senior citizens were treated to cosy blankets and grocery packs in Windhoek's Tobias Hainyeko residential area.

"Killings in Namibia are no longer something serious; it is like fun to kill somebody. Let us restrain from these things; you are taking someone's life just like that, in front of children. Where are we going in Namibia? Let us change; let the women, children, and men all be free in our country and in our community; let us go out at night to have freedom, love one another, and care for one  another."

The First Lady put emphasis on robberies of the elderly and a display of lack of respect towards them.

Madam Mbumba reminded the youth to care for the elderly.

"Take care of your elders; care for one another. When you see a child in the street, say, 'Gaan huis toe dis laat'. As jy die ouers ken, roep hulle en se 'jou kind is op die straat'. ('Go home; it is late.' If you know the parents, inform them their child is on the streets). There is no more time for speeches. Namibia, it is time to talk to each other."

The founder of the Omkhai Namibia Trust, Saima Shaanika, says the trust works to uplift marginalised and vulnerable groups. 

She says the drive was, therefore, necessitated by the current cold weather conditions.

"We have programmes for the young people; we sent children, especially from marginalised communities, to school; we are also running programmes for entrepreneurs, young people that have business minds; we assist them with microfinance; now the elderly; this is our way of saying thank you."

Photo Credits
Sustjie Mbumba, The First Lady Of Namibia


Emil Xamro Seibeb