Even though Kavango West is rich in various cultures and traditions, the Heritage Council of Namibia says there are no official registered heritage sites in the region. 

The council is now calling on local residents to nominate sites of heritage significance. 

Those familiar with the Kavango West Region will tell you that there is an abundance of traditional and cultural knowledge.

These range from music, art, medicinal knowledge, and much more. 

Despite this, residents of the region have yet to nominate these sites, allowing them to find their rightful place on Namibia's heritage list. 

For the first time, the National Heritage Council of Namibia came to Nkurenkuru, where they took the time to educate locals on how to protect, preserve, and promote their Namibian heritage.

Namibia has three different types of heritage structures: natural, cultural, and liberation heritage sites. 

The heritage council is now appealing to residents of Kavango West to do their part and preserve what is theirs. 

Namibia has 140 sites on its heritage list, but the National Heritage Council only manages 11 of them.

The rest are either on private farmland or are managed by traditional and local authorities. 

The Erongo Region has the most declared heritage sites in the country.



Frances Shaahama