Authored on
Thu, 07/21/2022 - 23:11

The Directorate of Immigration and Border Control for the Oshikoto, Ohangwena, and Omusati regions is meeting in the Ohangwena Region to assess and identify possible additional entry points for gazetting. 

Also in attendance are officials from the Ohangwena Regional Council, the Namibian Police, and the Roads Fund Administration, among other stakeholders. 

There are observations of an increase in the movements of people and trading through ungazatted points in the Ohangwena Region to and from southern Angola.

This is mainly due to the long distances from the Oshikango Border Post to the eastern and western parts of the region without a border post, which hinders lawful migration and trading in accordance with Africa Agenda 2063.

Given this background and the need to realise lawful migration, safety, and effective trading, there is a need to gazette more ports of entry in the region. This will increase mobility, accessibility, and trading, eventually leading to good tax collection.

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NBC Digital News


Panduleni Nepembe