One of the councillors affected by the decision taken by the ||Kharas Regional Council Chairperson, Joseph Isaack, to suspend the salaries of three councillors representing the Swapo Party on the council, Lazarus Nangolo, has described the suspension of their salaries as illegal. 

"We are duly elected, and the community feels good about our services. Therefore, an individual who happens to become a chairperson and has his own constituency in Keetmanshoop. I can tell you if you check and look at his whole term when he had been here, there are a lot of demonstrations from the community towards Isaack, who is the chairperson now, in his constituency, that show the lack of leadership quality. And by doing so, he is just doing it wrong. He brought damage to his own party, did damage to the democracy of the country, and we won't let it go like that, and I don't even want any Namibian to let those illegal things and lawlessness be tolerated." 

Nangolo also rejected claims that he and his fellow councillors were absent from three consecutive meetings that warranted their council membership termination. 

"Now that they feel bad that we did not accept to join the management, that's why they tried to punish us."

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Luqman Cloete