In its quest to enhance service delivery to Windhoek residents, the |Khomas Regional Council has constructed, renovated, and maintained various facilities across its constituencies in Windhoek.
Through various minor capital projects, the |Khomas Regional Council donated an ambulance for Windhoek Rural Constituency, IT equipment to the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) Regional Office, sponsored the renovation of Hakana Clinic and a community hall, and constructed a pharmacy in Moses ǁGaroëb.
Additionally, it constructed a doctors' room and boundary wall at Hakahana Clinic and has supplied the facility with medical equipment.
More renovations were done at Donkerhoek Clinic, comprising a new pharmacy, doctor's room, community hall, and medical equipment.
The Minister of Health and Social Services, Kalumbi Shangula, received the donated items, applauding the |Khomas Regional Council for its contribution to the health sector.
"The primary healthcare setting and facilities serve as the first point of contact for the public to receive health care services and an entry into the broader health system. They are the building blocks for a robust and responsive health system. They provide the foundation for improving health outcomes, reducing disparities, and fostering a healthier population overall. New or upgraded infrastructure expands the capacity of primary health care facilities to handle a growing population and the increasing demand for health services."
He indicated that the ministry is exploring the possibility of opening another health centre to operate over twenty-four hours.
|Khomas Governor Laura McLeod-Katjirua noted the difference the gesture will make in the lives of these communities.
"I always say that these small efforts and simple steps in the right direction to make access to basic services for our people are the essential weapons to unshackle our community from poverty and underdevelopment. Our dedication and commitment to this noble course will be empty if it is not built on the spirit of solidarity, caring, and sharing to give meaning and value to the life of your neighbour or fellow citizen."