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Information and Communication Technology Minister Emma Theofelus has encouraged young people to use their digital literacy to explore opportunities around the world on the internet and social media platforms.

She further urged the youth to engage in productive activities that would enhance their livelihood and contribute towards the nation's socio-economic upliftment.

The ICT Minister expressed her dismay at how young people use social media to engage in destructive activities that have no beneficial impact on society. 

Theofelus says that with their unrivalled user base, the internet and social media have the potential to improve young people's lives if utilised appropriately.

She remarked on this during the celebration of International Youth Day, held at Helao Nafidi.

She further encouraged young people to pursue excellence and self-improvement, acquire useful skills, and be the best versions of themselves despite the difficulties and setbacks they may encounter in life.

UNFPA Country Representative Erika Goldson stated that the organisation is working closely with the government to ensure that young people have access to digital resources and opportunities necessary to promote sustainable development in Namibia.

Youth Day is celebrated globally every year on the 12th of August, bringing youth issues to the attention of the international community and celebrating the potential of youth in today's global society.

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Debby Katangolo