The popularity and companionship of the nbc's radio services across Namibia were brought into sharp focus during the ongoing Ongwediva Annual Trade Fair.

This was evident when the community in Oshakati welcomed Kaisames FM's popular show host, Gerson Ore-aob, this past week.

For the first time, Kaisames FM listeners in the northern parts of Namibia are meeting the voice they've come to love every morning. 

Kaisames' visit is more than just a show. It's a bridge connecting the radio waves to the people they serve.

The host of the popular morning show, Ore-aob, could not hide his excitement with the reception he received from the listeners in the region, saying that it was long overdue.

"The biggest role that our radio station plays and what is important for our listeners is that our radio station is very unique. Making time for our listeners is important. We play an integral role in the lives of our listeners. We have great content for listeners to solve their challenges. What surprised me is that the other local radio stations did not attract much traffic as compared to Kaisames at the Ongwediva Trade Fair. We also beat Kati FM in their backyard."

The region's governor, Elia Irimari, also weighed in on the significance of this initiative, as it will shape the future of the listeners of Kaisames and give them a sense of belonging and existence.

"My call to other radio stations in Namibia: please reach out to everybody. Go to other regions where you think that your radio is not fully represented in terms of the population. They are there, go there, and I want all the radios in the country, please, to travel around, engage your communities, the people who speak the language you are carrying on, meet them, and they will be able to share quite different versions of their lives."

Ore-aob promised the listeners that this engagement was the beginning of many things to come, as they have now established a long-term relationship with the community here.

This visit has shown that radio can indeed be a game changer when it steps beyond the studio and into the community."

Photo Credits
Kaisames FM


Ben Tsuob