Former First Lady Monica Geingos says there is a need to mobilise partners to support youth-focused sexual and reproductive health and rights programmes.

Geingos and a panel of experts dissected this during a side event of the Summit of the Future at the UN headquarters on Friday.

They expanded on global, regional, and country-level actions that are critical to advancing the rights of young people and ensuring a sustainable future for all.

Geingos shared the success of the collaboration, demonstrated through the establishment of the #BeFree campus, whose services are inclusive of sexual and reproductive health and rights programmes.

The UNFPA said the cost of the impact of inaction on sexual and reproductive health and rights runs into trillions of US dollars.

The side event was organised in collaboration with Namibia's government, UNFPA Namibia, and the One Economy Foundation.

Photo Credits
Monica Geingos, The 3rd First Lady of Namibia


Blanche Goreses