Deputy Prime Minister John Mutorwa has launched Risk Profiles of Natural Hazards and Selected Diseases in Namibia. 

The report provides vital insights into the natural hazards and diseases affecting Namibia, including flooding, drought, earthquakes, heat waves, wind storms, and disease outbreaks like cholera and malaria.

Highlighting Namibia's vulnerability to natural disasters, the profile calls for proactive strategies to mitigate risks, protect lives, and ensure resilience in the face of climate change and public health challenges. 

"For one to comprehend disaster risk, it is important to have a comprehensive risk analysis for all its dimensions, namely hazards themselves, exposure vulnerability, and coping capacity of those that are affected. All these dimensions were fully considered in the process of developing the national risk profile."

The 2009 natural disasters in Namibia incurred an estimated cost of around N$1 billion.

The author of the Risk Profile of Natural Hazards and Selected Diseases in Namibia, Martin Hipondoka, said the profile aims to guide policymakers and communities towards informed decision-making for sustainable disaster management. 

Shifting from disaster management to risk management through resilience-building efforts conforms with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, to which Namibia is a signatory.

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Johanna !Uri#khos