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Deaf people in the Erongo Region have appealed to the government to accommodate them in the education, health, and employment sectors.

Members of the deaf community in the region marked this year's Deaf Awareness Month with a protest at Swakopmund.

The community says it is only partially included in schools, while most government institutions fail to station sign language interpreters at their offices. 

The deaf community thus took its plight to the education directorate and the office of the Governor.

The community further expressed frustration over the high unemployment rate of deaf people in the region and the low access to land ownership.

The Education Director, Erenfriede Stephanus, assured the protestors that the ministry is trying its best to be inclusive. 

According to the 2011 Census Disability Report, out of the 98 000 Namibians with disabilities, close to 19 000  are either deaf, mute or have hearing difficulties.
About 12 % of them lived in the Erongo Region in 2011.

Photo Credits
online desk


Renathe Rengura