Farming communities at Omipanda village in the Otjombinde Constituency have received a helping hand from the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform for the water woes. 

The ministry has provided them with water tanks and pipes and further intends to drill another borehole to remedy the situation.

At present, the community has been sourcing water from a distant village. 

Village Headman at Omipanda, Kavenambangu Kotjipati said his village has more than 500 head of cattle.

Kotjipati said some farmers suffered livestock losses because of water shortage and welcomed the temporary solution provided by the government to ensure that the village has water.

"This situation is very challenging for some homesteads as they have to travel long distances to take them to other villages for water and this has affected the livelihoods of the people."

Senior Rural Water Supply and Sanitation officer, Muree Mbingana, said the government is doing all it can to assist farming communities with available limited resources. 

Mbingana added that another challenge is that the area is too sandy, which affects boreholes during the drilling process resulting in most boreholes drying out unexpectedly.

Mbingana said the village will get a new borehole before the end of January 2023.

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Ngarije Kavari