Otjombinde Constituency bands together for education


In a bid to address challenges like poor school performance and ill discipline among learners, a group of retired academics and other community members of Otjombinde Constituency have formed a 'technical education committee' to deal with these matters. 

Young entrepreneur contributes to food sustainability


A young entrepreneur from Okaruikombungu Village in the Otjombinde Constituency, Kahitee Keeja, is determined to keep the garden project she runs going despite the limited resources at her disposal.

Farming communities at Omipanda village receives water tanks and pipes


Farming communities at Omipanda village in the Otjombinde Constituency have received a helping hand from the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform for the water woes. 

The ministry has provided them with water tanks and pipes and further intends to drill another borehole to remedy the situation.