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Oshikoto expected to experience water scarcity this year


The Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform's (MAWLR) head of rural water supply and sanitation in Oshikoto, Stevenson Tuukondjele, said that by the look of things, they might experience water crises worse than last year.

Tuukondjele said that residents of the Eengodi, Okankolo, and Nehale lyaMpingana constituencies in the Oshikoto Region might experience a more serious water crisis this year compared to the one they experienced last year.

PDM's Diederik Vries calls for inclusive approach in Namibia's resettlement polic


The Resettlement Policy should aim to improve the lives of landless or disadvantaged Namibians and be inclusive, irrespective of people's economic and social status.

These were the sentiments of the Popular Democratic Movement's (PDM) Diederik Vries in his contribution to the National Resettlement Policy under the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform.

The general eligibility criteria for potential beneficiaries of resettlement is the requirement to have resource ownership and access to capital.

Agriculture Ministry releases report on cattle deaths in Zambezi Region


The Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform has released the findings of an investigation into the mass mortalities of cattle in the Zambezi Region’s Kabe South constituency between June and November last year.

585 cattle, most of them old, pregnant, lactating, or young, died at 23 homesteads and 12 crush pen areas by the end of October.

Over 80% of the cattle visited were found to be in poor bodily condition at the time of the investigation, and poor grazing pastures were observed in most areas visited.

World Wetlands Day commemoration in Opuwo


The Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, together with its partners, will be joining the rest of the world in commemorating World Wetlands Day and World Water Day.

This year's commemoration of these two significant days will be hosted in the town of Opuwo from March 12th to March 14th.

Wetlands Day is an environment-related celebration that dates back to 1971, when several environmental groups gathered to reaffirm their commitment to protect and love wetlands.

World Rabbies day commemorated


28 September is commemorated as Worlds Rabies Day. Rabies is a vaccine-preventable, zoonotic, viral disease affecting the central nervous system. Domestic dogs are the most common method that rabies is typically transfered to humans. 

The Katutura community joined hands with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform to launch World Rabies Day, towards developing a safe and conducive environment under the theme "all for one, one health for all".

This event was held at the UN Plaza in Katutura. 
Chief Veterinary Officer

Government addresses concerns over |Khomanin communal land rights


The address follows questions posed by PDM Leader McHenry Venaani to Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, which drew attention to Article 19 of Namibia's Constitution.

Article 19 affirms every person's right to enjoy, practice, promote, and maintain their culture, language, tradition, or religion, provided it does not infringe on others' rights or the national interest. Venaani highlighted the plight of the |Khomanin community, which has practiced its beliefs and traditions but lacks communal land.

Ambassador Hisao Nishimaki impressed by Kavango west horticulturalist


Japan's Ambassador to Namibia, Hisao Nishimaki, says he is impressed with the strides made by horticulture producers in the Kavango West Region. Japan has provided N$2 million to be used for horticulture-related training and equipment in the region.

The Ambassador's visit included a stopover with the Governor of the region as well as with representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN. They visited a number of small-scale projects where they assessed progress made since Nishimaki's first visit last year.

MeatCo's Rundu abattoir inaugurated


The Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform officially handed over the Rundu abattoir to MeatCo yesterday.

The abattoir is intended to serve as a market for cattle and small stock farmers in the Kavango East, West, and surrounding regions.

The construction of the Rundu abattoir started in 2014 and was expected to be completed in 2017.
The Minister of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Carl Schlettwein, stated that the outbreak of COVID-19 and disruptions in tourism and other economic activities delayed the completion of the abattoir.

Amarika farmers receives solar water pump


The Minister of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Carl Schlettwein, in partnership with the European Union and GIZ Namibia, handed over a solar pump station to the Amarika Farmers Cooperation.

During the handover of the solar pump station, Schleittwein reiterated his ministry's commitment to providing essential services to farmers in remote areas like Amalika and Okatumba.

Agriculture Minister inaugurates Amarika Farmers' Cooperative Butchery


The Minister of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Carl Schlettwein, inaugurated the Amarika Farmers' Cooperative Butchery in Outapi.

Amarika Farmers' Cooperative Butchery was set up with financial assistance from the government, the European Union, and Germany.

Schlettwein believes this initiative will significantly motivate and inspire local farmers to increase livestock production and deliver their products to the butchery, ultimately benefiting the residents of Omusati and enabling farmers to generate income.