Regions urged to coordinate disaster response


Deputy Prime Minister John Mutorwa has urged members of the ||Kharas Regional Disaster Risk Management Committee to familiarise themselves with applicable laws to bolster disaster preparedness in the region. 

Unemployed teachers accuse Education Ministry of poor leadership


Unemployed teachers from the two Kavango regions are accusing the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture of poor leadership and a lack of forward planning.

The unemployed teachers say the ministry is hampering the provision of quality education in the country.

NBC tours the regions


Various heads of department at the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation have been visiting the Erongo, Oshana, Kavango West, and East regions over the past two weeks.  The nbc's news team in the Kavango East Region caught up with the head of the delegation, Menesia Muinjo.

Police confers 51 officers from all 14 regions with new ranks


The Namibian Police have conferred 51 officers, 30 men, and 21 women, from all 14 regions with new ranks.

However, due to distance only 23 could attend the official event in Windhoek, with the rest being conferred by their respective regional commanders.   

Road Fund Administration donates towards flood victims in Northern Namibia


The Road Fund Administration (RFA) has donated N$600,000 towards flood victims in the Oshana, Omusati, and Ohangwena regions.

The devastation caused by the floods is worrisome, and RFA CEO ALI Ipinge says, as a public entity, it is duty-bound to support communities impacted by these natural disasters.

Governors visit coast to support Namibian child


It might not be rare for a group of regional governors to be in one place, especially at state functions, but a visit to a school speaks volumes of their care towards a Namibian child.

PDM President proposes a special fund to assist flood victims


The president of the Popular Democratic Movement, McHenry Venaani, has called for the establishment of a special fund to assist flood victims in the northern parts of the country.

Venaani tabled and motivated a motion in the National Assembly appealing for help for the population affected by the floods.

Angola's Ambassador to Namibia visits Hardap and ||Kharas governors


Angolan Ambassador to Namibia, Jovelina e Costa is on a familiarization visit in the ||Kharas and Hardap Regions, where she is expected to meet with Angolan citizens based there. 

It is unclear how many Angolan nationals are currently residing in the two regions.