Parliament orders swift action on !Homs-Ai market water and power issues


The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Accounts has directed the Keetmanshoop Municipality and Namibia Industrial Development Agency (NIDA) to expedite their discussions to prevent further water and electricity supply disruption to the !Homs-Ai community market. 

Keetmanshoop Municipality hands over 10 houses


The Keetmanshoop Municipality has officially handed over ten houses to beneficiaries under the decentralised build-together housing programme.

These ten two-bedroom houses, each valued at N$80,000, were presented to the beneficiaries by Keetmanshoop's deputy mayor, Anneline Knaus.

Keetmanshoop Municipality applies for a loan from DBN


The Keetmanshoop Municipality has applied for an N$11.9 million loan from the Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) to upgrade its electricity infrastructure. 

This transpired at the presentation of the municipality's ministerial-approved N$296.8 million operational budget to residents on Tuesday.

Repair of council vehicles without official order prohibited


The Keetmanshoop Municipality has sent a warning to panel beaters and mechanical workshops not to repair vehicles belonging to the council without an official order.

The reminder comes after a council vehicle was found being repaired without authorisation by a local panel beater last week. 

Keetmanshoop Town Council owed N$212 million


Keetmanshoop Town Council is embarking on an aggressive campaign to recover outstanding municipal water debt, running into millions of dollars.

Residents, government institutions, and businesses owe the town council a combined total of N$212 million in unpaid water bills.