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A strike is looming at the Keetmanshoop Municipality after wage negotiations reached a deadlock. 

Regional Coordinator for the Namibia Public Workers Union (NAPWU) in ||Kharas Region, Kleophas Katuuo told nbc News that municipal workers voted in favor of industrial action. 

This follows after the Labor Arbitrator issued a certificate of an unresolved dispute on January 30.

He accused the Keetmanshoop Municipality's management of having snubbed conciliatory meetings aimed at ending the wage dispute, leaving workers with no choice but to strike.

Katuuo says the union's doors remain open for negotiations.

The workers demand a 5% salary increase.

When asked for comment, the municipality's acting CEO, Cathy Boois, stated, "We are aware of the strike, the looming strike since we received the memorandum on industrial action from NAPWU yesterday, the 8 February 2022, and the council is currently seeking an audience with the union because we have two days to respond to the union on the matter of the strike, most likely to avoid the strike and work-out a conducive agreement or arrangement that will benefit both."

Boois would not comment on claims that management is evading wage negotiations, saying she only took over the office a week ago.

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Luqman Cloete