

Rundu TC initiates N$577 million water treatment plant project


The population growth in Rundu has placed pressure on the council to meet the demand for water provision.

The construction of the Rundi water treatment plant, worth N$577 million, will not completely satisfy the demand.

Olavi Nathanael, the CEO of the Rundu Town Council, stated that the project will enhance the water treatment systems in the heavily affected areas, such as Ndama, Sikanduko, Sauyemwa, and Kasote.

Kavango East residents advocate for regional division and constituency expansion


Residents of the Kavango East Region have proposed to the 5th Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission to divide the region into two and create more constituencies, as some of them are overpopulated.

They made the suggestions during the commission's consultation at Rundu. 

The 1st Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission in 1992 created Kavango as a region on its own.

Swakopmund struggles to meet growing demands amid rural-urban migration


As people leave rural areas in search of a better livelihood, towns such as Swakopmund are under immense pressure, and their capacity to deliver is a challenge.

The Swakopmund population has grown to over 75,000 people from about 45,000 recorded about 13 years ago. The majority of them live in informal settlements. 

Swakopmund is one of the towns that has been experiencing a high influx of people from all around the country, some of whom could not land a job and ended up fending for themselves.

Namibia's Boundaries Delimitation Commission gears up for election-year


There is much work expected of the Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission.

This is in line with the Year of Expectations and Elections, as declared by the late President Hage Geingob.

President Nangolo Mbumba emphasised this during the appointment of commissioners for the Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission.

Article 104 of the Namibian Constitution authorises the President to appoint a Boundaries Delimation and Demarcation Commission every 10 years. 

Gobabis residents face water rationing amid nationwide water scarcity


The lack of water is being felt almost nationwide.

Due to poor rainfall in the catchments, Gobabis residents will now experience water rationing.

This has affected water sources like Otjivero Dam, which supplies water to Gobabis.

The municipality and NamWater have been left with no other choice but to control the water supply, starting on April 8, 2024, until further notice.

Informal vendors struggle amid rapid population growth


Namibia's port of Walvis Bay is a town experiencing rapid population growth from individuals in search of greener pastures.

However, the hopes of many to find employment here are, more often than not, dashed.

Vendors come from all corners of the country to sell their arts and crafts to passersby at the southern gate of the Namibian Ports Authority.

This is their surest means to sustain their livelihoods, they say.

It costs to endure all manner of weather, from the scorching sun to the cold breeze from the Atlantic Ocean.