Evale residents faced with water crisis


Residents of Evale in the Eengodi Constituency are disappointed, with what they term the government's inaction in mitigating the current water crisis in the village and surrounding areas.

Onayena Police records two suicide cases


Onayena Police in the Oshikoto Region recorded two suicides this week.

Both incidents happened on Monday.

One incident took place at Onethika-Ontananga Village when a 53-year-old man hanged himself in his sleeping room with an electrical wire.

Oshikoto crowned overall Namibia Mathematics Olympiad winner


The Oshikoto Region emerged as the overall winner of the second Namibia Mathematics Olympiad (NMO), which was held in the capital on Thursday, the region had four participating schools, Tsumeb Secondary School, Oshilulu Community School, Onguti Secondary School, and Heroes Private School, which each received N$10,00

Tourism conference at Omuthiya underway


A one-day conference for stakeholders in the tourism sector in the Oshikoto Region is underway at Omuthiya.

The conference is organized by the Environment, Forestry and Tourism Ministry in collaboration with UNESCO and with support from GIZ.