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The Chairperson of the Stampriet Acquifer Uranium Mining Association, Divan Opperman, has called on all relevant authorities to do proper research before taking any decision regarding the possible exploration and mining activities in the Aminuis Constituency.

Opperman made the call after a community engagement session at Leonardville.

Speaking to nbc News, Opperman stated that the Stampriet Aquifer is a source of water for many, and proper investigations are a must before any mining activity is carried out.

"Our intention is to make it clear that we are all for building our country, we are all for mining, and we are making sure that our community gets jobs, but we are extremely concerned based on facts that the water will be polluted. We just want to make sure that the right processes are followed and that we are not making decisions in our country that can be to the detriment of our nation and the future of our children. We plead with decision-makers to make sure that they are taking the right decisions for the whole country and saving Namibia for our communities and children."

Aminus Constituency Councillor Peter Kazongominja says the mining issue is being handled at the national level and has called on the community to remain calm.

"As a councilor standing here, I will wait until government gives the last opinion of the resort and say the government has listened to all parties and says now we have come up with a final solution or resolved what should happen, and if the government says that is the only way, then I will communicate to the inhabitants of this constituency."

Traditional leader Kenneth Nguvauva feels more engagements are needed.

"Research has shown that there is a higher possibility for water contamination, and as much as they are saying they can clean the water once it's contaminated, we can't take the risk, so we don't want us along in Aminuis around here to be a test to prove that water will be contaminated; that's our fear." 

At present, all possible exploration activities have been temporarily halted in the Aminuis Constituency.



Ngarije Kavari