Deputy Minister of Finance Maureen Hinda-Mbuende is seeking a payment of one million dollars from AR Activist and former Mayor of Windhoek, Dr. Job Amupanda, accusing him of defaming her character.

In her testimony before the High Court, Hinda-Mbuende alleged that in 2022, Amupanda posted a picture of an unknown person, followed by a malicious caption labelling the picture as that of the deputy minister, a person with no moral fibre and thus unable to be trusted for a public office.

Hinda-Mbuende bemoaned Amupanda's utterances as gendered insults to her personality, meant to defame her reputation, which she gained through many years of hard work and integrity as a freedom fighter, a professional, and a political office bearer.

In the papers submitted to the High Court, the plaintiff also seeks an order for interest at a rate of 20% per annum to be applied to the charge from the date of judgement until the date of final payment for restitution of the damages she suffered.

Hinda-Mbuende decries that the damage caused has a social and psychological effect on her family; hence, N$1 million is just compensation.

She presented her evidence and testimony in chief during the trial, while cross-examination also started. Proceedings will continue on Wednesday.



Joleni Shihapela