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NC MPs raise concern on some parts of Marriage Bill


The National Council members still expressed reservations regarding the proposal to legalise same-sex marriage in Namibia, citing traditional norms where such unions were not historically recognised. 

They also continue to oppose the proposed age of consent of 18 years in the Marriage Bill, advocating for an older age requirement. The Redline marriages are another bone of contention in the chambers. 

MPs observed that the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage has stirred animosity among the populace and emerged as a significant concern for Namibians.

Hardap records highest number of children with malnutrition


The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Gender Equality, Social Development, and Family Affairs has recommended a series of measures aimed at combating malnutrition in Namibia. 

One of the key recommendations is the enactment of laws to promote, protect, and support child nutrition, emphasising the importance of legislation in safeguarding the nutritional needs of Namibian children. 

A total of 191,353 children were screened between January and June this year, of whom 10,151 were treated for malnutrition in the country.

Children's Parliament debates lack of mental health awareness in schools


A heated debate ensued in the 6th Children's Parliament over the lack of awareness regarding mental health among school learners. 

This discussion was sparked after Gerson Neumbo tabled a motion emphasising the significance of mental health wellness, emotional development, and psychosocial support for learners.

The motion brought to light pressing issues, including high suicide rates, elevated dropout and pregnancy rates, and a significant lack of awareness regarding mental wellness among children. 

ICT Minister informs children MPs to embrace self-leadership


The Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Emma Theophelus, emphasised to the Children's Parliament the critical importance of self-leadership as a foundation for guiding others. 

Reflecting on her own journey, Theophelus, who once served as Deputy Speaker of the Children's Parliament, shared how this platform propelled her into the realm of lawmaking.

As a passionate advocate for continuous legislative development, Theofelus found herself returning to the August House as a lawmaker and now serves as the Minister of ICT. 

Children's Parliament advocates for equal rights for boys and girls


The 6th Children's Parliament's Standing Committee on Education and ICT voiced strong concerns about gender disparities, advocating for equal rights for both boys and girls. 

They also highlighted issues with the new curriculum, calling for a comprehensive review to ensure it meets the needs of all learners.

The aspirant MPs held meetings within their respective Standing Committees to address these crucial issues.

Children's Parliament 6th session commences


The 6th session of the Children's Parliament commenced today under the theme " Transforming Education in Namibia."

Prior to the session, new members were sworn in, followed by the election of a Speaker and Deputy Speaker, as well as the Chairperson and Deputy Chairpersons of Standing Committees.

Jane Phiri from the Hardap Region was sworn in as Speaker, deputised by Michael Ajiboso from the Kavango East Region. 

The Children's Parliament is a platform that facilitates the participation of young people in the democratic process. 

NSFAF funding policy up for review


The Namibian Student Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) and its funding policy are up for review.

The Minister of Higher Education, Technology, and Innovation, Dr. Itah Kandjii-Murangi, stated that the review is aimed at accommodating students who were declined financial assistance on the basis of the income of their parents.

Religious beliefs a matter separate from Divorce Law - Dausab


The Minister of Justice, Yvonne Dausab, emphasised Namibia's stance as a secular state, underscoring the government's focus on the practical and administrative aspects of divorce. 

Recognising diverse perspectives, she stated that it is essential that religious principles remain outside the legislative domain.

Dausab was motivating the Divorce Bill, which is in the committee stage for further deliberation.

Dausab emphasised that the legal process of marriage operates independently of religious institutions' practices and processes.

Uutoni motivates amendment to Electoral Act of 2014


The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, has motivated an amendment to the Electoral Act of 2014 in the National Assembly. 

This proposed bill seeks to broaden the eligibility criteria for the National Assembly elections by allowing remunerated members of the public service, as well as members of the National Council, regional councils, and local authorities, to be nominated as candidates to the National Assembly.

The bill further proposes authorising public servants to use their leave days to campaign for elections.