The highly anticipated annual Sem Kasete sports tournament has recently concluded, leaving various schools with top honors and well-deserved bragging rights. As the host school, Coblenz Combined School, together with the Kasete family, co-organized this remarkable event.

Principal Ebson-Ebbs Kuzatjike of Coblenz Combined School took a moment to reflect on the significance and profound impact that the tournament holds for both the school itself and the wider community.

Kuzatjike emphasized how vital this event is for their esteemed institution, which has a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1956. Not only does it serve as a fundraising opportunity for the school but also contributes immensely to overall development across various domains. Furthermore, he highlighted how it benefits not only individuals within the school but extends its positive influence to uplift the entire community.

This year's edition of Sem Kasete has been hailed as an outstanding success, particularly when compared to previous iterations. The Coblenz community greatly values this event as each passing year witnesses significant growth and improvement. Visitors who attended last year's tournament would have noticed a noticeable difference in terms of enhanced visibility through vibrant decorations and branding elements. People had high expectations due to its reputation for bringing economic prosperity into the local area.

Despite celebrating this triumph, Principal Kuzatjike expressed his desire for improved infrastructure at Coblenz Combined School. Recognizing that conducive learning environments play a crucial role in achieving better educational outcomes, he stressed that investing in infrastructure upgrades is essential. By doing so, they aim to address concerns such as dilapidated classrooms while utilizing funds generated from hosting tournaments like Sem Kasete.

Additionally, Principal Kuzatjike encouraged teams that may not have achieved their desired objectives in this edition of the tournament. He urged them to focus on enhancing their preparation and performance for future editions, ensuring continuous growth and improvement.

As the Sem Kasete sports tournament continues to leave a lasting impact, Coblenz Combined School remains committed to nurturing both academic excellence and holistic development among its students while striving for an even brighter future through improved infrastructure and continued community engagement.



Photo Credits


MICHAEL DITU/Getrude Magongo