The Popular Democratic Movement President McHenry Venaani has tabled a motion seeking to erect a shrine at the Vaalgras in honour of the late Kaptein Hendrik !Anseb Witbooi. 

Venaani said the erection of a lighting shrine would not only serve as a perpetual beacon for Namibians, but it would also improve the area's economic well-being.

"As a national momentum, it would naturally obstruct both domestic and international visitors. This could bring in investment and tourism revenue to Vaalgras, driving local economic development. The shrine could serve as an educational hub where social justice principles are not just celebrated but also critically examined and reconstructed."

Venaani added that the cultural sector also plays a pivotal role in fostering economic growth.

"At the time when Namibia seeks to diversify its economy and find sustainable avenues of income, the shrine could become a cultural hub that also fosters economic growth."

Contributing to the motion, Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, Dr. Albert Kawana, eluded to the significance of paying tribute to and honouring Namibian heroes in various ways.

"It is important that sites need to be identified, respected, and honoured to identify heroes who must be honoured through various methods, either through forms of statues."




Joleni Shihapela