The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) has revised the Customer Service Charter to further cement its commitment to the advancement of public service delivery.
The customer service charter is considered a significant milestone in public services as it integrates the functions and inputs of the offices within the public sector. It is against this background that the office of the Prime Minister launched the revised version of the customer service charter.
The Prime Minister further urged public service providers to cooperate to ensure effective service delivery and address non-compliance, as public service providers are employed by the Namibian people.
The Office of the Prime Minister is mandated to lead government business in parliament, coordinate the work of the cabinet as the head of administration, and manage the efficiency of public services.
When service is not effectively provided, there are channels to go through to ensure that the inability is dealt with.
The focus points in the revised customer service charter are general administration and maintenance, information technology, and public service innovation reform, among others.
The charter caters for government offices, regional councils, public enterprises, political office bearers, as well as the private sector.