The Miss Namibia Organisation organised a celebration for Jameela |Uiras for being in the top 20 placement at a recent Miss Universe beauty pageant held in Central America.

The event provided an opportunity for journalists to get up close and personal with Miss Namibia.

|Uiras explained that what made her stand out to be part of the top 20 was being herself, having faith, and oozing confidence.

Miss Namibia believes that sharing her story is partly what granted her the opportunity.

"The reason why I strongly believe I made it to the top 20 is because of my story that I told. In the beginning, I went as a proud Namibian woman, but then I started speaking up for all the Africans as well because, being part of the competition, you could tell that it is very difficult to represent your country, especially if you are from Africa. That is why you need to be loud all the time, so I made it clear that before anything else, I am a woman of colour, and before I am a woman of colour, I am a strong woman and a human being who believes in humanity, wants to restore humanity, and I want to be a beacon of hope."

The CEO of Miss Namibia, Umbi Karuaihe-Upi, says that Miss Namibia's achievement in the top 20 means a lot to Namibians.

Photo Credits
Miss Namibia


Lucy Nghifindaka