Job Amupanda testified in the Windhoek High Court today, where he faces a N$1 million defamation suit by Deputy Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Maureen Hinda-Mbuende.

Amupanda clarified that his Facebook comments aimed to highlight Hinda-Mbuende as a strong advocate for the country's independence, not to defame her.

He accused Hinda-Mbuende of interpreting the comments politically and using the court to settle scores. Cross-examination by Hinda-Mbuende's lawyer, Doris Hans-Kaumbi, will follow after lunch.

The case revolves around social media comments by Job Amupanda, who posted an image on his pages, captioning it as resembling Hinda-Mbuende during the liberation struggle.

Hinda-Mbuende, the plaintiff, filed a N$1 million lawsuit, contending that some comments depicted her as a woman of loose morals. Amupanda, in his testimony, alleges that Hinda-Mbuende made advances for a proximity relationship, which he rejected.

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nbc Digital News


Da'oud Vries