Ten of the electricity licence holders who have not applied for their annual review with the Electricity Control Board (ECB) were accorded amnesty.

ECB initiated to adjust their annual tariff from October 1st, 2023, for post-paid and prepaid; the effective date is October 24th, 2023.

 ||Kharas Regional Council, Berseba Village Council, and Gibeon Village Council were accorded a 10% tariff adjustment, although they didn't apply for their annual tariff hike.

The Chief Executive of the Electricity Control Board, Robert Kahimise, stated that some of the village and town councils are operating in a vacuum, as if they are not operating in the electricity industry.

They ignore the fact that they need to apply annually for their annual tariff adjustments to avoid making a loss.

Kahimise further alluded to the fact that the ECB cautioned distributors of utilities time and again about the unfortunate situation of losing revenue. This occurs when they sell electricity based on outdated terms. But it seems to fall on deaf ears.

"You buy from NamPower; the cost of NamPower has been adjusted. The right thing to do is also to adjust yours first; otherwise, you are in recovery. With time, it will eat into not only the cost but even your profits, and thus the situation that we have been trying to caution the licences."

Kahimise further urged the people to put pressure on the elected politicians and regional council leaders to do the right thing by applying before the end of June each year.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Hendrina Kanyolo