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Some prominent members of the Walvis Bay community have called for innovative and effective solutions to youth unemployment.
Among them are former Walvis Bay Mayor King Mandume Muatunga as well as the coastal town's Lutheran Hosiana Parish Pastor Jacky Fredericks, who believe government efforts to create employment must be complemented.

Walvis Bay is among the most populated local authorities, as people migrate from all parts of the country in search of employment opportunities.
Muatunga, former Mayor of Walvis Bay from February 2003 to May 2006, wants young people to actively initiate solutions to the challenges of unemployment.

He says the government's attempts to reduce unemployment through recruitment in the army, police, and other security agencies are commendable.

He, however, believes these are not enough and should be complemented with self-employment initiatives, especially by the youth themselves.
Pastor Jacky Fredericks of the Walvis Bay Lutheran Parish is concerned with the increasing use of drugs and alcohol by the youth in the harbour town.
He urged the youth to channel their energies into positive activities and participate in nation-building discussions on how to address their challenges.



Isdor Shilongo