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In a bid to empower underprivileged residents of Keetmanshoop to become self-reliant, the local ZTT AME Church congregation formed an initiative dubbed the EMEME Partnership.

The initiative, registered as a non-profit organisation, was officially launched during a fundraising gala dinner at Keetmanshoop.

Reverend Leslie Leukes, spiritual leader of ZTT AME Church Congregation, says the name EMEME is based on the pillars of education, mission, evangelism, management, and economic empowerment.

Leukes explained that the project aims to uplift underprivileged communities.

He explained that the initiative will source funds through income-generating activities and voluntary annual financial contributions by individuals, businesses, and the corporate fraternity.

"I pray personally that you take it to heart tonight and that you make a commitment to get into this project. We are serious about this business, and we are serious about our people. I think it is time that our people should benefit from this project."

Also speaking at the occasion were ||Kharas Governor Aletha Frederick and Bank of Namibia Director Florette Nakusera, who delivered the keynote address on behalf of the central bank's governor, Johannes !Gawaxab. 

"The EMEME project is not just a mere endorphin, it is a beacon of hope for those in need. I appreciate that this project aligns with the broader goals of the government's social development and empowerment agenda, aiming to provide a positive impact on the lives of those in need by providing education support, addressing basic needs such as food security, and promoting economic empowerment through income-generating projects."

Florette Nakusera, a director at the Bank of Namibia, says, "In the prevailing economic climate we find ourselves in, it is imperative that we take responsibility for our own destinies, nobody is going to come save us. As a community, let's take charge and cultivate home-grown solutions to become self-reliant in addressing societal challenges."

Those who attended the launch, among them Deputy Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Maureen Hinda-Mbuende, and ||Kharas Regional Council Chairperson Joseph Isaack, contributed more than N$100,000 in pledges to the initiative.


Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Luqman Cloete