The Trade Union Congress of Namibia (TUCNA) says despite the high rate of unemployment in the country, the 2024–2025 budget failed to make provision for employment creation.

Secretary General of TUCNA Mahongora Kavihuha says the government needs to play an active role in both the economy and employment creation.

"In this whole book, there is no word of employment except the word that says that we recognised the high unemployment, but what do you do to the high unemployment? The pro-budgeting approach requires that any money or any programme coming from any entity must address the issue of unemployment."

He says that the budget should have adopted a pro-employment approach.

Another concern highlighted by the union is the lack of transparency in terms of foreign debt management.

Kavihuha says that the country cannot continue borrowing money for the purpose of consumption.

The union says the government ought to have increased social grants for orphans and vulnerable people, just as it did for pensioners.

In addition, the union calls on President Nangolo Mbumba to investigate the circumstances under which the health infrastructure seems to be systematically sabotaging private health infrastructure.



Lucia Nghifindaka