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The Namibia Revenue Authority (NamRA), is under scrutiny as stakeholders raise concerns about the organisation's failure to live up to its full potential and operational efficiency.

While the Integrated Tax Administration System (ITAS) is acknowledged for its positive aspects, critics argue that NamRA could enhance its performance within the ITAS system to better serve taxpayers and businesses.

One of the primary issues highlighted is the significant delay in processing tax refunds, resulting in a bottleneck of funds that could otherwise be circulating within the economy. This delay not only impacts individual taxpayers awaiting refunds but also restricts businesses from reinvesting that money promptly, hindering growth and operational fluidity.

Exporters in particular are feeling the strain of these delays as they are unable to promptly recover their Value-Added Tax (VAT) within the legally prescribed timeframe of 2–3 months. This delay in VAT refunds creates additional financial burdens for exporters, affecting their ability to efficiently operate and expand their businesses.

Cameron Kotze, the Risk and Compliance Manager at Namib Mills, echoes these sentiments, emphasising the need for NamRA to address these inefficiencies promptly to support a more dynamic and responsive tax system that aligns with the needs of taxpayers and businesses alike.

Stakeholders are urging NamRA to streamline its processes, expedite tax refunds, and ensure that the ITAS system is utilised to its full potential to facilitate a more efficient and effective tax administration system in Namibia.

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NBC Digital News


Donald ǂKariseb