The Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) leader, Dr. Panduleni Iitula, has urged young people to register during the June 3 to August 1 general registration of voters (GRV) to participate in the upcoming general elections in November 2024.

Dr. Itula said that if they do not register to vote, they will betray themselves and not make a change in their lives.

"Young people are unemployed. There is poverty, there is hunger, there is a lack of infrastructure, there is a lack of support, and all of that can come about when we change governments. It is your voice that will count. Just spend a day in the queue so that you can register to vote once, and then the next time, spend that whole day in the queue so that you can cast your democratic vote to make a change in the lives of the Namibian people and a change in your own life so that you can guarantee a future where you can have jobs, where you can have a different direction."



Stefan |Uirab