Some community members from the Ohangwena Region have accused the Electoral Commission of Namibia and ECN officials of nepotism and favouritism.

This came during the testing and hiring of generators at the ECN offices in Eenhana on Monday. 

The ECN called for the community members to provide them with generators to be used during the registration process at points where there is no electricity.

During this call, community members responded positively with the hope of getting something from hiring their generators out to the electoral body to be used during this process. 

However, their dreams were shortlived as the ECN only tested 10 generators on Monday, even though they indicated that they needed 20. There were about 120 generators in the queue.

This angered the generator owners, who accused ECN officials in the region of nepotism and favouritism. 

Some said the selected generators did not meet the requirements stipulated in the ECN advertisements.

Contacted for a comment ECN Chief Regional Officer, Henock Hanga, says generators were selected according to the stipulated specifications, and as a result, they are satisfied with the whole process. He said there was no favouritism, and the process was fair and satisfactory.

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Panduleni Nepembe