The University of Namibia's law students have inaugurated a project tagged "Cicero Law Firm and Graves into Gardens'.

The project is aimed at transforming the Oponganda Cemetery in Windhoek's Katutura Residential Area into a more pleasing setting.

The Graves into Gardens Project is more than just an environmental initiative, it is an expression of the community's dedication to dignity and respect.

The project also seeks to increase the green space within the graveyard while creating a peaceful environment for visitors, ensuring that their memories of loved ones are preserved and honoured in a meaningful way.

"From the words social impact project, we want to live impactfully in the next 5–10 years. So that's basically what we are going to be undertaking, and the aims and objectives of this project are basically to conserve and restore the nature of the cemetery, as well as to transform the neglected grave sites into anaesthetic areas."

A member of the firm, Sylvia Pinehas, presented an overview of the Graves Into Gardens Project, as proposed by Cicero Law Firm, and how they plan to bring this vision to life.

"First, plant shade trees. We will plant trees that provide cool, shady spots throughout the cemetery, making it a more pleasant place to be. Creating pathways, we will build nice, easy-to-walk pathways so visitors can explore the gardens comfortably. Thirdly, community engagement, this project will involve local residents."

Patron of the Cicero Law Firm and Graves into Gardens Project Martha Kautanevali called for support for the initiative in any shape or form. 

"To realise this vision, we need the support of our community and stakeholders to share this normal cost. I call upon each one of you today to pledge your support for the gardens project. Whether through volunteering your time, spreading the word, or even providing financial contributions, every effort counts. Your donations will be instrumental in purchasing trees, materials for pathways, and tools for cleaning, ensuring that this project is a success."

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NBC Digital News


Martha Mwafangeyo